Play, learn, & grow

Kids World

  • Babes
  • Tots
  • Young Ones
  • Pre-teens
  • Teens
  • Young Adults

The Fairy Congress has always been family friendly and we encourage children to attend. In general, children have a fantastic time at the event, and are an important part of the community.
There is a children’s area and families are welcome there within certain hours of operation.  We generally offer kids “funshops” in the kids’ area during the times when adult workshops are offered. There are usually craft supplies, books and toys available the rest of the time.  Parents are responsible for tidying up after their kids and themselves. Please help keep things clean!

For our children

Community Support

Parents who wish to leave their kids (4 years and older) in the children’s area during workshops are required to volunteer for one funshop shift (approx. 2 hours). You will sign up for your shift upon arrival, or Friday morning at the parents’ check-in meeting.  You are encouraged to take a look at the schedule in advance and have a sense of which workshops you would like to attend.
We are looking for volunteers to lead activities and crafts – if you have a talent you can share (craft, yoga, sing-along, games, nature walk, building fairy houses, etc), please contact us at info @ fairycongress.com

With love & Respect

We Encourage Mindfulness

Fairy Congress is a place of peace and respect. Children are expected to treat other people, their belongings, their bodies and Nature with respect. We encourage positive, inclusive play at all times.
The main meadow is a kid-friendly area. In other areas, like camping, adult supervision is preferred. Kids shouldn’t be hanging out in the woods or tents alone.
We encourage families to spend time together, perhaps discussing nature spirits, or something interesting you’ve learned or experienced while there!
