


Nature Notices

Nature Notices by Ron Hays Recently walking along the footpaths of our land in the foothills of the Oregon Cascades, a naturalist friend marveled at the species diversity along the way. It wasn’t always like that. Continually mowed before our purchase, much of the land was blackberries and canary grass. In the twenty years since...
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Themes thru the Years

Every year there is a theme for the Fairy Congress. This is divined by a group shamanic journey, done usually in late September or early October the year before the upcoming Congress.  Here are the themes that we remember: Themes for the Fairy Congress thru the years….. 2005? How many kinds of Fairies are there...
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Fairy Field Trip – Goddess Grove, September 2022

In September of 2021, a few of us met at Point Whitehorn for a fairy field trip, to meet the fairy family of one of our community members.  It was a wonderful expansive outing. On my way home from that, I stopped in the North Cascades National Park for a walk and came across the...
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Weather Shamanism: History and Practice

Jan leads a twice monthly Weather Shamanism and Subtle Activism group in the Fairy Congress community. We had a bunch of new people join us this year so he wrote the following: I thought I would write out a history of how this came about and a little about what we do, since we have...
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Fairies and Religion – How do they relate?

Fairy Letter from Michael Pilarski Hello friends of the fairies, Thank you for believing in fairies. Each person who does so helps keep humanity’s fairy connections alive.  It takes courage to publicly state a belief in fairies. Most people keep their beliefs private or in a small group. Many people do not believe in spiritual...
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New Book Reviews

Fairy book reviews on the Sidhe December 28, 2021 Book reviews by Michael Pilarski I am on a fairy book-buying spree in preparation for the on-line Fairy & Human Relations Congress on January 14-16, 2022.  Here are reviews of two recently received books. Fairy Faith in Ireland: History, Tradition and Modern Pagan Practice.  Lora O’Brien....
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Fairy Field Trip: Point Whitehorn

photo: field trip members gazing off at Mount Constitution on Orcas Island, off in the distance Our first Fairy Field Trip was a huge success!  Five of us met at Point Whitehorn, a small Nature Reserve north of Bellingham, WA.  The weather was forecast to be rainy, and there was a short downpour right as...
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Letter from Diomira Rose

Diomira Rose (www.diomirarose.com) was a presenter at the 2018 Fairy Congress.  After the event she sent us the following letter: Thank you so much for inviting me to present at this year’s Fairy Congress. It was truly an honor to be part of such an historic and extraordinary event. In my experience, The Fairy Congress...
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Acknowledge and Appreciate!

How can we help? I was out in the woods a bit ago, and asked Nature for a general answer to the question of ‘How can we help?’  It is so easy to feel powerless in the face of the enormity of the climate crises, how can the actions of one small individual make any...
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Crystal Skulls and the Sidhe

Crystal Skulls and the Sidhe by Mahala Frye The Sidhe are our cousins, emerging out of a deep energetic connection from the dawn of time. In the early days before humanity descended very far into matter and misunderstandings became common, we often met, danced and celebrated in special places upon the earth. These places were...
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